Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Writing about art.

Describe what you see.

Artists Name: John Baldessari
Title of work: Letter
Type of artwork: Black and White photographs, acrylic
Subject of the painting: Political event where an important letter is handed.
Objects in the painting: Black and white photographs of people doing activities.
First impression: Political advertising.
Colors used: Black and white colors because it is pinpointing a certain time in history with the exception of the letter which is yellow/mustard to make it stand out.
Shapes, lines and texture: Angular shape because not a perfect shape. Bold and thick lines. Smooth texture.
Light saturation: Saturation the use of flash. Focal point, the spot that stands out in the artwork is the colored letter. 
Sensory qualities: Mood is dramatic and bold.

Analyze the artwork.

John Baldessari creates his work of art using black and white color to make it seem bold and dramatic. He uses no texture in his artwork because they are photographs. The shapes he uses are angular because the artwork is shaped to form some kind of symbol or word, possibly in a different language. The light of this artwork is mostly flash from a camera. Shadows are also present. 

Interpret the artwork.

The way he presents his artwork seems to be advertising some kind of political movement. The way he makes it bold and dramatic makes the artwork pin point a certain event in time. Because back in the day photography was not in color, the artist uses these colors. The only color you will find in the artwork is he emphasis on the yellow letter. The use of yellow could symbolize the letter being in between good and bad. Bad is red , good is green and yellow is more like a in between. Maybe the artist himself does not know what the letter contains. The artist makes this piece of art because he wants the public to know what significance the letter meant in history.